PSHP Notes Friday 1.31.2025 Canceled.

Please note that PSHP is canceled tomorrow due to excessive absences and sicknesses. Please help spread the word.


The Pizza Day, Spriit Day (favorite sports team), Friday Fundraiser, and Yearbook poll will all be rescheduled to Friday, February 7th. I have included a new link for pizza orders. Please fill out the February 7th link, even if you already ordered for January 31.

Pizza Link

Talent Show Auditions will be rescheduled for Friday, February 14th.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone next week. Take care of yourself and your family. I am sending prayers for health and wellness.

Here is the link for last week’s notes in case you missed them. They have some important information about upcoming dates. Ignore the link for pizza though, and use the link above to order pizza.

Notes for 1.24.2025