Masterclasses the next two weeks (Bel Canto, Adoration Band, and all Orchestra students)

Upcoming opportunities for returning PSHP students!!!

Yearbooks have arrived and look wonderful.

We will have an opportunity to hand out books and sign!  Thank you to Shawna Mann, Debbie Freeland, and Sharon McElwrath and the Yearbook Class students for a great memento.  You can still order yearbooks from TreeRing for a few extra dollars and it will be shipped directly to your house.

These master classes are intended as a way to help returning students brush up on their skills and to offer a chance to learn new skills.

Friday, July 26

                12:00-1:30         Bel Canto students from last year and any that want to audition for this year.

Orchestra students from last years’ Beginner, Intermediate and Advance Intermediate Orchestra students.

                                                Bring your books and music from last year.

                1:30-2:15            SOCIAL TIME    Bring snacks if you want to share or $0.75 for a soda.  Yearbook Signing.

                2:15-4:00            Orchestra students from last years’ Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms.  Bring last year’s music.

Friday, August 2

12:00-1:30         Orchestra students from last years’ Beginner, Intermediate and Advance Intermediate Orchestra students.

                                                Bring your books and music from last year.

                1:30-2:15            SOCIAL TIME    Bring snacks if you want to share or $0.75 for a soda.  Yearbook Signing.

                2:15-4:00            Orchestra students from last years’ Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms.  Bring last year’s music.

Adoration Band students from last year.   Bring last year’s music and we might also get pep band music.  Bring any that you played last year at the football game.