PHSP NOtes for 2024 Registration Day: 8.16.2024

Registration Day Instructions for Friday, August 16
Play and Sing His Praises is looking forward to starting a new year! We are working on starting a new online management and music school organization tool through JackRabbit. This is very user friendly and will help with communications, including an app.
Please read over this list so you can be prepared for Friday. We ask for your patience as we will be registering both online and on paper. Next year should be much easier.
A few changes to share:
  • Class fees are $12 for the first class for the oldest child and all other classes and other siblings are $10. These are charges for 2 hours of classes.
  •  Any class that is labeled as an ensemble will be an additional $5 charge per ensemble. (Bel Canto, Brahms, Jazz, Classical Guitar, Select Wind Ensembles, Praise and Worship, Harp Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble). You can’t take an ensemble class by itself, but in conjunction with another class that has a theory class with it.
  • Beginner Harp and Intermediate Harp will now be a class on its own and will not combine with the orchestra classes until they are more advanced. Harp Ensemble is open to students that are Advance Intermediate and older.
  • The correct fees for your discounts and/or any credits for working or teaching every Friday will not show up in your JackRabbit account yet.
  • The new billing system will bill you for every Friday that we are scheduled to meet. We will ofer credits in May for any Fridays that are cancelled.
Items to Check on Before Friday
  1. Enroll on JackRabbit at It will be easier to register for classes once you register and can access the parent portal.
  2. Fill out the Registration form. You can fill it out as a fillable form and print it and bring with you on Friday. CLICK BUTTON BELOW for REGISTRATION FORM
  3. Print off your book lists for each student and each class. Bring them with you. CLICK BUTTONS BELOW for BOOK LISTS
  4. Gather and bring any items with you for the Sale Room. Please label each of your items with a price and your contact information.
Friday, August 16
  • Registration will not start until 11:15
  • Please be prepared to pay for your music books and any required supplies at Registration. Cash, Checks, or Credit/Debit Cards are accepted.
  • Your student will need to attend if they need to audition or if they are 12 years old and older and have not attended a mandatory meeting this year.
  • If you cannot attend Registration in person on Friday, August 16 please plan to come on Friday, August 23. A late fee of $25 per family will be assessed if you register August 24 or after. See below for specifics.
  • Teachers please arrive by 8:45 to help with set-up and auditions as needed
Registration and Worker’s Station Assignments
Links to Help with Registration
Friday, August 23
(If you cannot attend on Friday, August 16)
  • 10:30 Mandatory Meeting for all students 12 years old and older, as well as a parent. You do not need to attend if you attended the June or July evening meetings.
  • 11:15-1:00 Registration and any auditions