Theory Classes: Bach Theory 2ncd Year Assignments for 9.20.2019

Theory Classes: Bach Theory 2ncd Year Assignments for 9.20.2019

Welcome to Bach 2nd Year Theory! It was great to get to meet all of you on Friday and dive back into music-making at PSHP. I look forward to getting to know all of you better as we go along.
This week we reviewed tetrachords on pages 2-3 of the theory book. One of the things I noticed that we struggled on a bit was how to tell half steps from whole steps, and how to put the tetrachords together to make a major scale. We’ll keep working on that. Here’s a link to a simple game that lets you practice identifying half steps and whole steps. I’ll have some other games in class that we can play to work on this concept, too.
I mentioned that I will usually have something written on the board for you to work on when you come into class. Usually after that we do rhythm. We didn’t get to rhythm this past week, but I expect that we will do that at the beginning of class next week.
My musical happy moment this week is one of my favorite songs for orchestra called Short Ride on a Fast Machine by John Adams. It has probably the most important wood block part in all of orchestral music. This song makes me clean my house faster because it’s so exciting! 🙂 I hope you enjoy it! I look forward to seeing you all next week. Please have your parents email me if they have any questions.

Heather R. Nelson, PhD

Singing Voice Specialist

Voice Teacher