Hello PSHP Families and Students
Spring Reminders
Please review all of these with your family members that attend PSHP.
- Please wear modest clothing. No short shorts or sleeveless tops please. Shorts need to be within 4 inches of your knees to be acceptable on a Friday.
- All PSHP students should be within an adult’s eye sight at all times. Do not gather in a room without a teacher or adult in the room.
- Do not congregate in the stairwells for safety reasons.
- No public display of affection is allowed between any PSHP students.
- Reserve running and loud talking for outdoors please. No running in the Fellowship Hall as there are many people in this space.
- Review safety drills for fire and tornados. The students will gather by their last names outside on the grass north and west of the church. If they are in a class at the time of the drill or emergency, the teacher will lead them out to the grass and go by each of the areas to gather by last name. If a student is not in a class, they will need to quickly and calmly take the nearest exit outside and gather on the grass outside to the area with the alphabet signs. Students that are in the Sanctuary and Choir Room will exit out the doors outside of the Sanctuary.
Friday, May 19
Hall Monitors (Bring goodies to donate to the Coffee Bar to sell. The profits of the Coffee Bar are donated to PSHP.)
8:45-11:00 Michelle Coulter
11:00-1:00 Reese Minasian
12:45-2:45 Mary Bush
1:45-3:45 Laura Smyer
May 19 Notes
All beginner orchestra classes will meet combined in the Sanctuary .
All beginner band classes will meet combined in the Youth Room .
All intermediate band classes will meet combined in the Youth Room .
- Friday is the last PAYMENT DAY. Please note since PSHP has not canceled any Fridays this year, that each family will owe for 5 weeks in May. September through April you were billed for 24 weeks total and in May you will owe for the additional 5 weeks for our 29 week school year. Please talk to Kathy Love if you need to work out a payment plan. All fees will need to be paid before you can enroll in classes for the fall.
- Please drop by any prizes between now and Friday, May 19 when the prize store will be open. This is great incentive and a reward for students for their practicing! Prize ideas include toys, music supplies (tuners, etc.), gift cards, etc.
- High School students that have the music for Agnus Dei and the Lord Bless You and Keep You will practice these songs from 12:00-12:15 in the Sanctuary.
- Combined rehearsal for all students that are singing or playing Psalm 150 will be on Friday, May 5, May 12, and May 19 from 12:15-12:30 in the Sanctuary. This includes all students in Singers, Mezzo, Concert Choir as well as all high school students in advanced classes. This song will be featured at the beginning of the Tuesday, May 23 Concert at 6:00 at Calvary Baptist in Republic.
- 5.Practice records for summer will be handed out next week. Students will have an opportunity to earn double to tickets for summer practice. 2 tickets for every half hour of practice!!!
- Friday, May 19 Last PSHP class day. Prize store will be open. Each student will get PSHP participation certificates.
- All PSHP Juniors are invited to assist at the PSHP Graduation on Saturday, May 20 at Asbury. We could use your help from 12:00-5:00 that day and with some help on Friday when you aren’t in class. This will give you a good opportunity to see what is available for you for next year. See below to sign up to help.
- Laura Krurger’s theory classes are looking for any old donated cell phones to play Kahoots to test their musical knowledge. Please turn in any to the Information Table
- 9.Stop by the Information Table to pick up information about ordering There are three different flyers with TreeRing information. Congratulations to Arielle Mann who won the Yearbook design cover. If you are interested in a tribute for a senior please talk to Shelly Pichler at 417-838-2730 and don’t work directly with TreeRing. If you are wanting to create the free personalized pages contact Treering directly.
- Dan Updegrave is needing to have 2-3 vans or pickups to help haul the percussion instruments after Graduation on Saturday to our concert location of Calvary Baptist in Republic. Please contact him at dan@myroadchurch.com
Looking Ahead to Saturday’s Graduation
Musicians and Choir Members that are singing in Agnus Dei and The Lord Bless You and Keep You please arrive at 1:00 Saturday at Asbury and unpack in Room A150.
1:30 Prelude will start will Concert Choir songs, then Beethoven and Brahms
- 1.Graduation Jobs Sign-up for either Friday, May 19 or Saturday, May 20
- 2.Saturday, May 20 PSHP Graduation at 2:00 at Asbury.. All are invited.
Graduation Food Sign-up for Saturday, May 20
- 3. Our final concerts will be:
- Monday, May 22 at 6:00 for all beginner, intermediate and Bach classes at 6:00 at Calvary Baptist at 804 US-60 in Republic. Originally it was listed as at Asbury. Please note new location!!
- Younger Classes Concert,
- Tuesday, May 23 at 6:00 for all advance classes at 6:00 at Calvary Baptist at 804 US-60 in Republic.
- Advance Classes Final Concert 5.23.23 Info Sheet
- 4.Friday, May 26-Final Picnic at Smith Park from 11:30–2:30
Prayer Concerns- Lord hear our prayers
- Allison Pichler for her illnesses from Lyme’s Disease that have been going on all year.
- Julia Guthrie’s brother Billy was in an accident where his car was pinned underneath a semi for over an hour. He survived with only broken ribs and fractured hand. Continued prayers for healing and thankful for God’s protection.
- Sally Doyle for her wrist.
- Beth Falukos’ daughter in-law Hannah, will have surgery in April to remove a tumor.
- Brian Mavis for unspoken needs.