PSHP Notes for Friday, November 12, 2021

Announcements for Friday, November 12
Hall Monitor (Check in at the Information Table each week)
8:45-11:00       Heather Hennum, Anna Haak
`           11:00-1:00       ANY VOLUNTEERS??
12:45-2:45       Gwen Hanson
1:45-3:45         Elizabeth Talbot

1.  Friday, November 12 will be head shots of all students, teachers, and
parent volunteers with weekly jobs for the yearbook.  The students will be
brought as a class to have their pictures taken inside in Room 210-211.
2.  Classroom changes for tomorrow due to the headshot pictures in Room
8:45     Beginner Brass move to Room 212
1:45     Music Composition move to Room 212 (or Youth Room, if
you need more room)
2:45     Bach Theory 2 move to Room 212
3.  .  Combined Noon rehearsals for students in the advance high school
classes will be on November 12, 19, and December 3.  Please arrange your
schedule so you can be there for the 3 weeks of combined practice for
Hallelujah Chorus and Mary Did You Know? At noon in the Sanctuary.
4.  November payments were due for 3 Fridays and church usage fees.
5.  Please check over the preliminary list for the PSHP Directory that will
be at the Payment Table tomorrow.  Please initial and also note if you don’t
want your information included.
6.   Please sign up for Photo packages of students, siblings, or family
sitting.  See order form for prices..  Pictures will be taking indoors on
Friday, November 19 with a make-up day on Friday, December 3.  All packages
will be ready for pick up by December 10th at the latest.
Photo Packages
7. Please check out this link to our yearbook company, Tree Ring Info

8.  PSHP will order T-shirts after Christmas.  We will have a t-shirt
contest that is open to everyone to enter if they wish.  These entries can
be either hand drawn or by computer.  T-shirt contest will run from now
until noon on Friday, November 19.
9. Please donate items for our prize store for December 3.  Bring in items
now through December 3 and drop them off at the Information Table.  Some
items that are good are electronic metronome, guitar picks, rosin, candy,
gift cards for Andy’s, Incredible Pizza, Chick-Fil-A, stuffed animals,
batteries for electronics, toys. The ages for the students is from 8 years
old to 14ish.  Some older students also participate in this.  Our volunteers
will decide how many tickets each prize is worth.
10.  Please be sure to recycle any plastic, cans, or paper at the recycle
plastic bins located in the hallways around Asbury.  Please make sure your
containers are rinsed and empty.
11.   Please bring pencils to have with you in your performing ensemble
class and in your theory class!
12.  Bring all Christmas Music and Christmas Books to classes now until

Federation Opportunity for Musical Enrichment
Saturday, March 5 is an opportunity for music students to be evaluated by
performing one or two songs from memory.  The cost for Federation Is around
$15 and the deadline to enter and pay is January 14.  All students will need
to be working with a teacher and an accompanist.  The songs have to be
chosen from the Federation Bulletin or music list.  The younger categories
choose one song on the list and one song not on the list.  The book will be
at the Information Table for you to look at.   Events include singing,
piano, music theory, any instrument.  This is always a great way to learn
and improve as a musician.  Each student is evaluated with written comments
and can earn up to 5 point per year.  After 15 points they will receive a
gold cup-which is a trophy!  See Dan Updegrave, Sally Doyle, Abby
Ellingsworth, Elizabeth Suh, or Kathy Love for more information.

Thank Yous
1.  Thank you to everyone who donated food and helped last Friday at our
Teacher Luncheon.  It was a wonderful time of fellowship and delicious
thanksgiving dinner!!  PSHP is so blessed by our talented and  Christian

Musical Opportunities
Please see the 2 attached fliers about the opportunity to audition for a
concerto competition for students from smaller towns.  More details

Looking Ahead
1.  Hall Monitor for Friday, November 19
8:45-11:00       Lara Needham (maybe), Kim Kirschner
`           11:00-1:00       Jennifer Mitchusson
12:45-2:45       Gwen Hanson
1:45-3:45         Marina Ferguson

2.  Make note of new picture dates to add to your calendar!
*         Friday, November 12 will be head shots of all students, teachers,
and parent volunteers with weekly jobs for the yearbook.  The students will
be brought as a class to have their pictures taken.
*         Friday, November 19 will be family/sibling picture packages to
purchase.  A digital option will also be available.  More details of price
next week.    Sign up for an appointment at the Info or Payment Table
starting November 5.
*         Friday, December 3 will be makeup photos of either the headshots
or the picture packages to purchase.
*         Picture packages will be ready by December 10 or earlier from Liz
*         Class pictures will be Friday, January 14, 2022 for the yearbook.

3.  Combined Noon rehearsals for students in the advance high school classes
will be on November 12, 19, and December 3.  Please arrange your schedule so
you can be there for the 3 weeks of combined practice for Hallelujah Chorus
and Mary Did You Know?.

4.  Concert Reminders:
Saturday, December 4          HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT at 2:00 at
All advanced classes (Beethoven, Brahms, Harp Ensemble, Concert Choir, Bel
Canto, Advance Guitar, Classical Guitar, Praise and Worship, Adoration Band,
Select Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, and Percussion Ensemble) will perform
at an afternoon concert at 2:00 at Asbury.  Warm up times 12:30 and after.
More TBA
Attendance is mandatory at the concert unless sick.

at Asbury
*         All beginner and intermediate classes will have a scheduled class
concert between 10:00 and 12:45 at Asbury in the Sanctuary. See below for
*         The concert will be a come and go!
*         There will be time for pictures of the students directly after
they perform
*         No regular classes will meet, look for your performance time below
and bring friends and family.
*         Follow the Concert Dress Code for your class.

10:00 Beginner Orchestra
10:55  Younger Beginner Guitar
11:45  Beginner Band

1 10:10 Intermediate Orchestra
11:05 Older Beginner  Guitar
12:00  Intermediate Band

10:20 Advance Inter. Orchestra
10:35  Bach Orchestra

11:15  Intermediate Guitar
11:25  Recorder
11:35  Bell Class
12:15  Singers Choir
12:30   Mezzo Choir

Joys and Concerns
1.  Prayers for Ben Forrester and his family, as he is getting physical
therapy after recovering from CoVid.  A joy that he will be able to come
home Saturday!!
2.  Prayers for Thadden Cymbaluk who works for the Forest Department
Monday-Thursday and had a chainsaw accident three weeks ago.
3.  Prayers for Beth Falukos’ husband, Marty, who is recovering from CoVid.
4.  Prayers for the Burks’ family who are recovering from CoVid and the loss
of Ron Burks, All 14 of their children have been students of PSHP from the
very beginning in 1998.  Lord hear our prayers and give us wisdom.
5.  Prayers for Darren Needham, father to Halle, Isaac, and Jonathan, who
had surgery Tuesday at Mayo for a Pituitary tumor.  He will be staying up
near Mayo for the next couple of weeks for follow ups.
6.  Prayers for Abby Elllingsworth and family on the death of her
7.  Prayers for the Stewart family on the death of their family member that has moved here to help.


Helpful Links: