Hello PSHP Families and Students
- Carnival Fundraiser Saturday, February 18. Audition for performers has been rescheduled for Friday, January 20 in Room A150 from 12:00-1:00 and 3:00-4:30. Preference will be for performers that are ages 12 and up. Sign up at the Information Table. You can also just show up and audition without signing up.
- Check out the Lost and Found Items in front of the Sanctuary Doors. Julia Guthrie will be taking pictures of the lost items and posting them on the PSHP families Facebook Page.
- The PSHP Friends’ are looking for donations for the baskets for the Silent Auction for the Carnival Fundraiser. You can bring a basket already filled with goodies or bring items to add to a basket. Some ideas for baskets are: Movie, Student, Women’s, Men’s, Summer, Farm, Garden. Drop off donations at the Information Table.
- New idea: Please bring any homemade goodies or store bought goodies to see at the Coffee Bar each Friday. One idea that I thought of last week was on your day for Hall Monitor is to bring something to sell at the Coffee Bar. Please label anything that you want returned. Thank you to the Kelsey and Dennis Bailey for bringing back the Coffee Bar!!
- Stop by the Information Table and pick up a canvas for our Luck of the Draw art auction for our February 18 FUNdraiser if you or someone you know wants to draw or paint something for our auction. The premise is that canvases will be displayed and each person who wants can purchase a $10 ticket to choose the canvas of their choice.
- Contest Friday, March 31 SAVE ALL DAY FROM 8-5. Times will be announced in March.
Schedule will be all day to get all 23 performing classes in the Sanctuary.
Each performing ensemble will have their picture taken for the Yearbook,
directly after their performance
Friday, January 20
Hall Monitors
8:45-11:00 Emily Keeler
11:00-1:00 Susan Kitsmiller
12:45-2:45 Michelle Waggoner
1:45-3:45 Leslie Patterson
Announcements for January 20
- 12:10 in Room 203-PSHP Friend’s Meeting open to any adult. Open to any teacher or parent. Bring your lunch and any ideas. We will be finalizing plans for the Fundraiser Carnival on February 18.
- This month the FUNdraiser on February 18 will be our focus.
- Thank you to the Yearbook Staff, Lucy Lawson, and Holly Grandinetti for a the yearbook photos. We will plan a make-up day in the near future for any who missed last week.
- Carnival Fundraiser Saturday, February 18. Audition for performers is Friday, January 20 in Room A150 from 12:00-1:00 and 3:00-4:30. Preference will be for performers that are ages 12 and up. Sign up at the Information Table. You can also just show up and audition without signing up.
- Next week I will send out a link to TreeRing so you can start ordering Yearbooks.
- Yearbook is also looking for any people or groups that would like to sponsor or advertise in our Yearbook. More details soon.
- All performing ensemble classes and theory classes will start written student evaluations, but this process can take several weeks. If the students have their parent sign their evaluation, they will be given a ticket or candy if they bring it back to class.
- New idea: Please bring any homemade goodies or store bought goodies to see at the Coffee Bar each Friday. One idea that I thought of last week was on your day for Hall Monitor is to bring something to sell at the Coffee Bar. Please label anything that you want returned. Thank you to the Kelsey and Dennis Bailey for bringing back the Coffee Bar!!
- Sign up for Pizza Day from Dominos. Deadline is Wednesday January, 25 at midnight. Order by the slice. Cost is $1.50
Friday, January 27
Hall Monitors (Bring goodies to donate to the Coffee Bar to sell, if you have any!)
8:45-11:00 Sarah James, Leah McNack, Cheryl Evemy
11:00-1:00 Amanda Kotlarcen (sp?)
12:45-2:45 Diann Ruesch
1:45-3:45 Mary Bush
Friday, January 27 Notes
12:15 Graduation Meeting in the Sanctuary
Saturday, February 18
Carnival “Fun”draiser at Asbury from 11-3. Silent Auction of baskets, gourmet desserts, art, carnival games, cupcake walk, PSHP performers
Upcoming Community Concert Opportunities
1. Tuesday, January 24 at High Street Baptist at either 10:30 or 1:00. FREE Young People’s Concert present by the Springfield Symphony. Length: an hour.
2. Saturday, February 4 7:30 at JKH Hall. Springfield Symphony will present Paginini’s Violin Concerto No. 1 performed by guest violinist Ilkhom Mukhiddinov and Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet. Need to purchase a ticket.
3. Tuesday, February 14 at Drury’s O’Reilly Family Centre at either 10:30or 12:30. FREE presentation of Peter and the Wolf.