Teacher Luncheon Sign Ups to bring food and for all adult teachers to reserve their spot!!
- To sign up to bring food for Teacher’s Luncheon, click on this link:
- Teacher Luncheon Sign up for all adult PSHP teachers to reserve their spot for lunch on Friday, November 4. Deadline was October 31.
General Notes
Please be sure to sign up to be Hall Monitor for 3 shifts (2 hour shifts). The sign-up sheet is at the information table. The hall monitors walk around inside the building and keep order: check on students running around, no students mingling in the stairwells, etc.
1 Your fees include two hours per week. If your child can not take their theory class at the regularly scheduled time due to a scheduling conflict, please plan on attending an Independent Theory Class. There are 3 choices for this class:
12:45 Room 210-211
2:45 Room 205
10:00 Wiggle Room off of the Sanctuary
2. Music that has been ordered will be delivered to classes soon. Some of the music is still on backorder.
3. High School girls in advance classes will need to order a concert dress if they did not order one already. See Hannah Hood for more information or check at the Information Table.
4. PSHP T-shirt have been ordered. The shirts will be here the first part of November.
Student Notes
- Please check your weekly assignments on Gibbon.
- Bring a pencil to all of your classes. Everyone will need a pencil with their music or in their music folder, as well as for their theory classes.
- No running inside the church please.
CHOIR rehearsal links for music to listen and/or rehearse with
Mezzo/Singers playlist link:
Concert Choir/Bel Canto playlist links:
There’s also a YouTube playlist with the songs at
Yearbook Class for this Year
Yearbook class will meet tomorrow at 12:10 in Room 210-211. We are still looking for some more students to help with Yearbook. Please show up at 12:10 to Room 210-211.
Notes for Gibbon Website
- Emails in the future will be coming from Gibbon. Please add the PSHP email to your folder so it does not go to your SPAM folder or junk folder. PSHP_music@live.com
- Log into Gibbon to see your class schedule, assignments, etc. HTTPS://portal.playhispraises.com
- If you don’t have your Gibbon login or have any Gibbons quesitons email Le Ann Price at PSHPenroll@gmail.com
- Families that were registered in Gibbon last year, should be able to log in and add siblings. Don’t worry if you have trouble with Gibbons, as we have been having trouble also!
Thank You!!
- Thank you to the Adoration Band Football who played at the Pep Band last Friday!! Special Thanks to the Band Teachers who made this possible.
- Thank you to The PSHP Friends and parents who helped with the Pizza Day last Friday.
- Thank you to our Safety Team who teachers who performed wonderfully with an impromptu Fire Drill last week. Everyone was out in under 3 minutes!!
Looking Ahead
Hall Monitors for November 11, 2022 (Meet at the Information Table for more instructions) Notebook was left at Asbury so I don’t have this information.
8:45-11:00 Heather McClain, Emily Keeler, Cheryl Evemy
11:00-1:00 Kim Adams, Susan Kitsmiller
1:45-3:45 Hollie Marling
Combined Rehearsals of Advanced Classes
- All students involved in the concert on Saturday, December 3 will have combined rehearsals at noon in the Asbury Sanctuary from 12:00-12:30 on Friday, November 11, November 18, December 2. Please make sure that every student who is performing in the Handel’s Messiah Hallelujah Chorus or in Is He Worthy? can attend all 3 of these Friday rehearsals in preparation for our December 3 concert. Look below to see if your class is included!
Christmas Concert Plans
- All students will be performing in each performing class that they are enrolled for our Christmas Concerts. Check carefully for dates and locations!!
- Classes with High School classes in advanced classes will have a concert on Saturday, December 3 at 2:00. Location to be announced soon. Warm-ups could begin at Noon. Save from Noon to 4:45 on this day. Classes include: Bel Canto, Concert Choir, Beethoven, Brahms, Adoration Band, Jazz Band, Flute Ensemble, Praise and Worship, Classical Guitar Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Harp Ensemble.
- The younger less advanced classes of beginners and intermediate classes will have their concert as a come and go event at Asbury on Friday, December 9 from 3:00-6:00. Their warm-ups will be around 20 minutes before their performance time. Classes include: Beginner Orchestra (all violin, viola, cello, and harps), Intermediate Orchestra, Advance Intermediate Orchestra, Bach Orchestra, Young Beginner Guitar, 8:45 Class of Older Beginner Guitar, 10:00 Class of Older Beginner Guitar, Intermediate Guitar, Recorder Class, Beginner Bell Class, Beginner Band Class, Intermediate Band Class, Singers Choir, and Mezzo Choir.
Performance Times are listed by class below.. Please note the highlighted times that have been changed as of 11/3/22.
- 3:00 Beginner Orchestra
- 3:15 Recorder Class
- 3:25 Younger Beginner Guitar Class
- 3:40 8:45 Class of Older Beginner Guitar Class
- 3:55 Beginner Bell Class
- 4:10 Intermediate Orchestra
- 4:20 10:00 Class of Older Beginner Guitar Class
- 4:30 Beginner Band Class
- 4:45 Singers Choir
- 5:00 Intermediate Guitar
- 5:10 Intermediate Band
- 5:25 Advance Intermediate Orchestra
- 5:40 Mezzo Choir
- 5:50 Bach Orchestra
Carnival FUNdraiser
- Save the date, Saturday, February 18 from 11-3 for our fundraiser. Events will include cupcake/cookie walk, carnival type games, face painting, gourmet food or desserts auction, silent auction, art auction for a cause, plus student performances, and hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch.
- All performers at the Carnival will need to prepare their performance music for an audition on Friday, January 13. Musicians will need to be 12 years old or older. The groups can be solos or a small ensemble of 8 people are less. They can pick serious music or funny music or do a skit, juggling, or read a poem.
If you have anything that you would like to donate for a basket for the silent auction the items can be dropped off at the Information Table.