Hello PSHP
  • Check Christmas Concert Details below as to what to wear and times and locations of concerts. The specifics for warm-ups for Friday, December 9. No students will need to come in the morning of Friday, December 9. Each class will warm-up around 30 minutes before their performance time.
  • The concert on Saturday, December 3 with the advanced classes was such a wonderful concert . Thank you to all of the talented students and teachers. It was a delightful afternoon of music and worship. Thank you to Craig and Elizabeth Liscom and Macedonia Baptist Church for hosting our concert.
1. December 9    If any student is wanting to participate in the optional music contest on March 4, they will need to meet next Friday to schedule a time with Dan Updegrave, Kathy Love, or Elizabeth Suh from 11:00-2:00 at Asbury.
2. December 9 All beginner, intermediate, and Bach will perform in a concert. There will have a warm-up 30 minutes before their concert time. That is all they will have for the day. See below for more details as to performance times.
3. December 16. The advance classes (those from the December 3 concert) will be touring nursing homes. More details soon.
4. No classes or activities on December 23 or 30.
5. January 6 All PSHP classes resume!!!
Concert Dress by Class
Beginning Orchestra, Recorder Class, Beginning Band, Beginning  Guitar, Singers Choir, Intermediate Orchestra Classes:
⮚      GIRLS:  Nice church clothes. No flip-flops at anytime! For performances, skirts and dresses must be below the knee to ensure modesty on the stage. Loose fitting pants are also acceptable, but no jeans. Check to make sure you are modest when you are in playing position with your instrument.
⮚      BOYS:  Nice “church clothes,” Dress slacks or khakis are acceptable, but no jeans. Be sure to add a belt if you have belt loops. Please wear dark dress shoes or dark tennis shoes with dark socks.
Advance Intermediate Orchestra, Bach, Mezzo, Intermediate Band, Intermediate Guitar and Advance Guitar Classes
Ø  GIRLS:  Black or black and white combination. All solid colors with no big print or big pattern. For performances, skirts and dresses must be below the knee to ensure modesty on the stage. Black dress pants are also acceptable. Black dress shoes, no flip-flops
Ø  BOYS:  Black dress pants, white or black long sleeved dress shirt, black belt, black socks, and black dress shoes. You may add a black dress jacket if desired, but this is optional
Christmas Concert Plans
  • All students will be performing in each performing class that they are enrolled for our Christmas Concerts. Check carefully for dates and locations!!
  • Please invite guests to our concerts!!
  • The younger, less advanced classes of beginners and intermediate classes will have their concert as a come and go event at Asbury on Friday, December 9 from 3:00-6:00. Their warm-ups will be around 20-30 minutes before their performance time. Classes include: Beginner Orchestra (all violin, viola, cello, and harps), Intermediate Orchestra, Advance Intermediate Orchestra, Bach Orchestra, Young Beginner Guitar, 8:45 Class of Older Beginner Guitar, 10:00 Class of Older Beginner Guitar, Intermediate Guitar, Recorder Class, Beginner Bell Class, Beginner Band Class, Intermediate Band Class, Singers Choir, and Mezzo Choir.
  • No PSHP classes will meet in the morning of Friday, December 9.
December 9 Performance Times are listed by class below.
  • 3:00     Beginner Orchestra
  • 3:15     Recorder Class
  • 3:25     Younger Beginner Guitar Class
  • 3:40      8:45 Class of Older Beginner Guitar Class
  • 3:55      Beginner Bell Class
  • 4:10      Intermediate Orchestra
  • 4:20      10:00 Class of Older Beginner Guitar Class
  • 4:30      Beginner Band Class
  • 4:45      Singers Choir
  • 5:00      Intermediate Guitar
  • 5:10      Intermediate Band
  • 5:25      Advance Intermediate Orchestra
  • 5:40      Mezzo Choir
  • 5:50       Bach Orchestra