PHSP Notes for Friday 1.31.2020
We actually get to meet tomorrow!!!! I am so happy that the weather cooperated.
Please print off the attachment of the Calendar at a Glance 2020 and add them to your calendar.
Many things have been rescheduled due to our missing the last two Fridays. Please read carefully below.
We are scheduled to meet all Fridays from January 31 to May 15, except for:
March 20 Spring Break
April 10 Easter Break
April 24 Adjusted schedule for some classes for our longer practice in preparation for Music contest May 1
May 1 Music Contest with a very, very different schedule as each of the 25 performing classes play for written and verbal evaluation.
Please save all day from 8 to 5:15.
Hall Monitor for Friday, January 31, 2020
8:45-11:00 Cindy Faust, Mat Thompson, Angela Shields
11:00-1:00 Laura Triggs, Jennifer Mitchusson
12:45-2:45 Nancy Lawrence
1:45-3:45 Dawn Morley
Meal for Holtkamp family: Edna Clingman
Meal for Lane family: Kathy Love
Parent, Teacher and Student Notes for Friday, January 31, 2020
- All PSHP students will have their pictures taken in their performing class during their class time tomorrow Friday, January 31. Please be dressed in your concert clothes before class time, as you will not have time to change during class. These pictures are not for purchase, but will be included in the yearbook which you may purchase. These pictures will be in the SE corner of the Fellowship Hall, so there will be less tables set out for people to sit.
- If you are interested in helping in the Kitchen or with prep for the PSHP Banquet on Saturday, March 7, please come to a meeting at Noon in Room 203. Anyone is welcome!!
- PSHP Friend’s Meeting at 12:45 in Room 203. All parents are invited and feel free to bring your lunch!!
- Banquet Tickets, for Saturday, March 7 at 6:00 pm at Aldersgate Methodist in Nixa, will be on sale starting tomorrow near the Information Table. Prices are $15 for one person, $30 for a couple, or $110 for the full table. Choice of meat will be chicken or brisket with a full course sit down meal. Tickets need to be returned by Friday, February 28. Soloists and ensembles that are performing at Federation on that same day, will have first preference if they want to perform. Praise and Worship is performing at the Banquet. Other classes will not be decided until we know how many other performers will be there.
- The Theory teacher’s meeting for adult and student teachers for January has been canceled.
- Tomorrow is aFriday Fundraiserin the Fellowship Hall.
- The PSHP Family Directory is ready. Printed Directories will be ready for pick-up at the Information Table.
- Teachers will start evaluations of all students in performing classes and theory classes. These will be sent home with the student sometime in January or February.
- PSHP T-shirt sales start January 31 and run through February 28. $9.50 for T-shirts. Please stop by near the Information Table.
- The Yearbook Staff is busy preparing our Yearbooks this year. All of the orders are placed and paid for online with a company that we have used for the last 4 years. The cost of the Yearbook will be $18.93. Yearbooks will be ready to pick up at the Final Picnic on Friday, May 22 and even maybe on our last day of class on Friday, May 15. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.
Go to
Enter PSHP passcode: 1014740501293185
- Yearbook classdoes not officially meet this week, but stop by the Fellowship Hall when you are not in class to help with class pictures for the Yearbook.
Student Awareness and Safety
Please be sure to talk to your children and youth and give them limits about leaving campus. PSHP is not a closed campus. Some youth walk to a nearby restaurant to get lunch, etc. This is fine as long as the parents have given permission for that to happen. Please be very specific, if you as their parents, allow them to walk off the Asbury property or be driven by anyone else, and whether that is an adult driver or a student driver. The Asbury neighborhood is not as safe as it once was. PSHP is concerned for the safety of all of our students and families. We have safety people assigned that are always at the entrance to the Sanctuary and in the parking lot. Please feel free to talk to any of them if you have any concerns. Thank you to our Safety Team!!
- Thank you to the 6 PSHP students who helped with the Springfield Symphony Young People’s Concert Tuesday: Nathan Price, Eli Price, Isabelle Price, Hope Barker, Amelia Forrester, and Claire Forrester.
- Thank you to string students who performed the prelude last Saturday at the Springfield Area Music Teachers Association at Drury: Nathan Price, Eli Price, Hope Barker, and Leah Burks.
- Thank you to Veronica Kuschel who arranged for two more Fuddrucker’s Fundraisers on March 27 and June 12.
- Thank you to Jenny Roach who arranged for a representative from OTC to be at PSHP on Friday, February 14 from 12:30-1:30 in the Sanctuary.
Looking Ahead
Hall Monitors for Friday, February 7, 2020
8:45-11:00 Amber Neil, Linda Maes, Lydia Ashley
11:00-1:00 Kim Weisbrod, Valerie VanBibber
12:45-2:45 Sarah Black
1:45-3:45 Twyla Willingham
Friday, February 7, 2020
- 11:15 PSHP Graduation Meeting in Room A150, across from the PSHP Music Office, for Parents to pick up Paperwork. The student does not need to attend. Stop by the Information Table if you are unable to come at 11:15.
- 12:10 PSHP Adult Teacher’s Meeting in Room 203
- 12:45 Transcript Class Open to anyone who wants to hear and learn more about how to prepare a high transcript that can be appropriate to submit to colleges or universities. ]
Friday, February 14, 2020
- 12:00-12:30Student Teacher Luncheon in Room 102-103 from 12:00-12:30. Some classes will be moved to accommodate the luncheon. Watch for details in email.
- 12:30-1:30 A representative from OTC will be in the Sanctuary at 12:30 to give out information and answer any questions.
Friday, February 21, 2020
- 12:45 Friends Meeting in Room 203
Calendar Reminders:
- Our PSHP Banquet is Saturday, March 7 in the evening. Dinner at 6:00. Please let Kathy Love know if you would like to help cook the meals in the future. This is the Bradley’s last year and they would love to train someone this year!
- Graduation date is Saturday, May 9 at 1:00 at Asbury.
Concerts to Attend
- Wednesday, February 5 at 7:30 JK Hammons Hall, Concert of the Missouri Philharmonic Orchestra. Tickets can be purchased for $15 on the internet.
- Saturday, February 15 at 7:303 JK Hammons Hall, Springfield Symphony concert with Tessa Lark, violinist and highlighting American Pictures.
All choir students will have access to their music by this sound cloud account. We are excited to share with you that practice recordings and vocal exercises can now be accessed through SoundCloud. Please download the free app or access through a desktop computer at:
Once an account is made, search for the user: PSHPsings and click follow.
Once you are following PSHPsings, scroll to the bottom of the homepage and select Playlists.
The playlists feature is organized in a way that will allow you to select a specific choir, song, and specific voice part.
All choir music is uploaded.
Please contact Suzannah Dolanc Pugh or Jennifer Sinn with any questions or concerns.
Fuddruckers PSHP Fundraiser
Please stop by the Information Table to sign-up to work at Fuddruckers in March and June. Dates are:
- Friday, March 7 Springfield Fuddruckers from 4-8
- Friday, June 12 Branson Fuddruckers from 11-8
Spanish 1 Class
Alissa Glover is a certified teacher and would be interested in teaching a Spanish 1 class for students seeking high school transcript credit on Fridays at Asbury. Please contact her if you are interested at: 417-576-5446. Prices and curriculum will be decided after talking to the parents.
Prayer Concerns
- Angie Richardson and family as she is traveling to MD Anderson in Houston, Texas for her cancer treatment.
- Lizzie Lane’s mom, Dawn Lane, has been in the hospital the last couple of weeks. Prayers please as she is at home, but requires a lot of help. Please stop by the Information Table to sign up to bring a meal to bless this family.
- Bonita Holtkamp, mom to Jaslyn, was diagnosed with stage 4 gallbladder cancer. She has discontinued treatment, as it was not working, and is on Hospice. Please stop by the Information Table to sign up to bring a meal to bless this family.
- Peggy Billman, aunt to the Persis children and provides transportation on Fridays from Purdy, has been in the hospital twice recently for bowel obstruction. Prayers that she continues to do well.
1. Please empty liquid out of any cups before you put them in the trashcan. The clean-up crew thanks you ahead of time.
- Please show respect to all of the adults on Friday. We have hall monitors that help keep order in the hallways and kitchen for when students are not in class. These adults are a huge blessing to those of us that are teaching. Please be respectful when you are reminded to do something.
- Please be considerate of others if you are sick and review the sickness policy. Please don’t attend classes or volunteer if you have had a fever or contagious illness in the last 24 hours. Thank you for your consideration as we don’t want to share our germs and we have many with compromised immune systems.
- Please recycle soda cans in the container by the soda machines.
- Please don’t use the doorbell on the south doors by the office. That is for the office only when the office doors are locked during the week
- PLEASE tell your female family members that NO Feminine Products are allowed to be flushed in the Asbury toilets please.
- Just a reminder that Asbury is a no nut church, so PSHP should not have anything with nuts.
- Just a reminder that no children should be left unattended at Asbury when they are not in class if they are 12 and younger. An older sibling that is at least 15, may be responsible for the younger sibling, if the older sibling is not in class at the time.