Orchestra: Brahms Orchestra Assignments for 2.28.2020

Brahms Orchestra

Sounds of Celebration 2:  Jesus, Name Above All Names
Far from Home
Sounds of  Worship:  Be Thou My Vision
More Wedding Music:  Meditation by Massenet
Practice conducting patterns in 4 with your right hand and cutting off with
your left hand.
Bring you Patriotic Favorites Book so we can practice our program for
February 25.
Upcoming Brahms Performance this Tuesday!  Tuesday, February 25 for Daughter
of American Revolution
*         Christ Episcopal Church:  601 E. Walnut St.
*         Meet  at 12:40.  Perform from 1:00-1:30 out of Patriotic Favorites
*         Order for performance: Start with Star Spangled Banner, then run
the songs in order from the beginning of the book, except for ending with
God Bless America.
*         Wear concert dress clothes.  Guys wear red tie.