Orchestra: Beethoven Assignments for 2.7.2020

Beethoven Orchestra

Essentials for Strings: p. 49  C# Major Section

Jesus Messiah

He Will Hold Me Fast

I will hand out When You Believe this week.

For All Advanced groups: Combined Piece: “He Will Hold Me Fast”

“He Will Hold Me Fast” –  note, there is not an orchestra and band recording of our specific arrangement.  However, link #1  is the same Choir arrangement.  We will likely handle solo’s slightly different, but you can hear the choir parts.

  1.  Choir-He Will Hold Me Fast –


  1. Original artist recording He Wil Hold Me Fasthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=h3mULtEqYPM&feature=emb_logo