Music Notes for Friday, 4.26.2019

Notes for Friday, April 26, 2019

8:45-11:00       Jennifer Lambert, Kimberly Vestal

11:00-1:00       Elizabeth Ouellette

12:45-2:45       Stacey Updegraff

1:45-3:45         Any volunteers???

Parent and Student Notes for Friday, April 26, 2019

  1. Please pay for your 3 weeks in April if you didn’t already pay, plus your church usage fees.The bill for the month of May will also be for 3 weeks.  PSHP was scheduled to meet 29 times, but we missed 2 Fridays because of winter weather (January 11  , February 15).  You will only be billed for a total of 27 Fridays, which is 8 months at 3 weeks, plus May at 3 weeks to add up to the 27 Fridays.
  2. Today is the Teacher Luncheon for all adult teachers at noon in Room 102-103.  We will also have a short meeting while we eat.  The theme is a summer barbeque.
  3. The  PSHP Graduates who are participating in graduation on Saturday have a meeting at 12:45 in the Sanctuary.
  4. Drum Set class will not meet this week.
  5. PLEASE tell your family members that NO Feminine Products are allowed in the Asbury toilets please.
  6. The Information Table has a new home and is located in the hallway at the desk as you walk in from the east covered entrance.  Check out the sign-ups at the counter!
  7. Beginner Orchestra students will all meet in their individual classes tomorrow.  This includes all of the violins, viola, cello, and harp students.
  8. Beginner Band and Intermediate Band classes will all meet separate in their individual classes tomorrow at their respective times.  Beginner Band at 8:45 and Intermediate Band at 10:00
  9. No combined practice this week at Noon for the high school classes, but we will meet for combined practice for all 3 Fridays in May.
  10. Harp Ensemble will meet at 12:45 in Room 150.
  11. Beginner Harp theory Class room has changed rooms for the remainder of the year.  Please meet across the hall in the foyer area of the church office.
  12. 12.Adoration Band will meet in the Youth Room tomorrow.
  13. Yearbook Deadline

Friday, April 12 was the last day to order your PSHP Yearbook and receive free shipping.

Price is $17.03 for each book.

Orders placed from April 13 to May 3 will have additional shipping costs, but will be shipped to PSHP, orders placed May 4th or after will have additional shipping but will be shipped to your home address.

Check out the option to add 2 free student pages to personalize your yearbook with your own photos of the year.

Check out the website and use this pass code for PSHP:


            Pass code:  1014740501293185

  1. Be sure to check the website for class assignments or bonus questions.   Each student ages 8-13 in the beginner or intermediate classes will receive a ticket for each 30 minutes of practice.  These tickets can be redeemed at the end of each semester for prizes.
  2. Invitation to attend Music Composition Class on Friday, April 26

The Music Composition class will be meeting with MSU Music Composition faculty member, Dr. John Prescott on April 26 from 2:15-3:15 in Room 212.  Please note the later start time that day.  Anyone is invited to attend!

Found Item in Parking Lot

Did anyone have a guest named Loretta Kroft at contest last week?  Contact me as we found something in the parking lot that belongs to them.

Invitation to attend Student Workshop on Friday, May 3 at 12:45 in Room 212

Student Workshop led by Dr. Heather Nelson and Kathy Love for those students that are interested in what it takes to be a music major or music minor in a college or university and is open to any student or parents on Friday, May 3 at 12:45 in Room 212.


Please be mindful of our conservative dress guidelines as outlined in the Handbook as we have approached warmer weather.  No sleeveless shirts are allowed and shorts must be within 2 inches of your knees.  Thanks for your help in this matter.

Just a reminder that no children should be left unattended at Asbury when they are not in class if they are 12 and younger.  An older sibling that is at least 15, may be responsible for the younger sibling, if the older sibling is not in class at the time.  PSHP wants to make sure that everyone is safe on Fridays.  Our safety team is busy keeping watch over the building and grounds from non PSHP people.  Thanks for your attention to this.


  1. Thank you to Ava Powell, Gloria Talmage, and Miriam Talmage who represented PSHP today at the Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield.  They provided wonderful music for the formal tea.
  2. Last week, Thursday April 18 the Concert Choir and Beethoven Orchestra performed for the Springfield Symphony Guild at Kingsway United Methodist Church.  It was an incredible opportunity for us and everyone sounded beautiful.  Thank you all!

Guthrie Family Fundraiser

The Guthrie family had a fire in their house on March 29.  Their Dad, Kevin, was in the burn unit ICU for 10 days.  Come out and support this family at this dinner.

Friday night, April 26  from 6:00-9:30 at First Baptist Church in Pleasant Hope at 705 N. Main St, 65725.  Kevin is out of the hospital and still recovering.   The prayers have been appreciated by the family and they are thankful for all that has been done for them in this time of need.

Looking Ahead

Hall Monitor for Friday, May 3, 2019

8:45-11:00       Jennifer Lambert, April Whittaker

11:00-1:00       Heather McClain

12:45-2:45       ???  Any volunteers

1:45-3:45         Twyla Willingham

Calendar Reminders:

  1. PSHP Graduation is Saturday, April 27 at 2:30 at Asbury.  Musicians (Beethoven, Concert Choir, Select Wind Ensemble) arrive at 1:30.  Prelude starts at 2:00.
  2. Friday, May 3 12:45 to 1:40  Room 212   Please feel free to attend “Life of a Music Major”  for insights into what it takes to be a music minor or music major in college.  Dr. Heather Nelson and Kathy Love will be leading the discussion.
  3. Change of plans for Saturday, May 4!!!    Asbury Methodist is not having their bazaar, so we will not be performing there.  The beginner orchestra, intermediate orchestra, advance intermediate orchestra, and Bach Orchestra will be performing from 9:45-10:45 at Maranatha Chapel at 223 E. Norton Road.  Please arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled performance time; beginners and intermediates wear nice clothes, advance intermediate and Bach wear black or black and white  Bring your stands, music, and instrument.  Cellos bring your rockstops.

            9:45     Beginner Orchestra

            10:00   Intermediate Orchestra

            10:15   Advance Intermediate Orchestra

            10:30   Bach Orchestra

  1. Monday, May 20 The Concert location for all of the younger classes will be at Asbury.  This is a come and go concert, with no warm-up times.

            6:00     Beginner Orchestra                                        7:00     Beginner Band

            6:15     Recorders                                                        7:15      Intermediate Guitar

            6:25     Younger Beginner Guitars                              7:25     Intermediate Orchestra

            6:30     Older Beginner Guitars                                  7:40     Intermediate Band

            6:40     Singers Choir                                                   7:55     Advance Intermediate Orchestra

            6:50     Beginner Bells Class                                       8:10     Mezzo Choir

                                                                                                8:25     Bach Orchestra

  1. Tuesday, May 21  The Concert location for all of the older classes will be at Cherry Street Baptist Church.  Concert starts at 6:00, with warm-ups starting at 4:30.
  2. Friday, May 24    PSHP Picnic and Year End Celebration at Smith Park, 1536 E. Division.  Our security team will be grilling hotdogs and hamburgers and selling them at the picnic.  Please bring a side and a dessert to share.  The graduates will have a photo opportunity at Noon by the cake!!

Concerts to Attend

  1. Youth Talent Concert of the Springfield-Drury Civic Orchestra is Friday, April 26 at 7:30 at The Gillioz.  Student tickets are $6.
  2. Sunday, April 28 at 3:00   FREE concert of Springfield Mid-America Singers at Schweitzer United Methodist Church.
  3. Sunday, April 28 at 3:30     FREE Concert of Missouri State University’s President’s Concert performing Beethoven’s 9th at JKHammons Hall.
  4. The Springfield Symphony is performing Star Wars music on Saturday night, May 11, at 7:30 at Hammons Hall on the campus on Missouri State University.  Tickets are $12.50 at the ticket office

Prayer Concerns

  1. Angie Richardson and family
  2. Shari Wilder and family
  3. Christina Davis and family
  4. Guthrie family, good news Kevin was released from the hospital