PSHP Registration Information for Friday, 8.25.2023

PSHP Registration Information for Friday, 8.25.2023

Important information for registration.

Before Registration please view the following document/instructions (and print all that are necesary to fill out for registration).

Registration Information.docx

Before Registration on August 25.

Attend a mandatory meeting for all new and returning families.

At least one parent and all students that are 12 years old and older will need to attend a meeting before you can enroll.  The meetings will last 60-90 minutes. You have two options for meetings:

Friday, August 18-11:00 meeting in the Sanctuary   OR

Friday, August 25-11:00 meeting in the Sanctuary.

Gather any rental instruments that you no longer need or need to exchange for a bigger size.  Email Kathy Love at to make arrangements.

Gather any used instruments or PSHP related items that you want to sell on August 25. Please write a description of the instrument or item, along with asking price and a way to contact you.  You can bring these items on Friday, August 18, Friday, August 25, or drop them by the church office on Thursday, August 24 between 9-2. 

Bring forms, which you can fill out online at home and print off to bring with you. (Forms are linked below.)

Print off the book lists, one per student per class, and check to see what books/music you already have at home.  Many of the books we use multiple years! (Book Lists are linked below).

New families/students need to register for Gibbon on the website here is the link.. If you are a returning family but have a new student please add student as a new student from the parent account. The whole family doesn’t have to re-register.  

Auditions for any returning students that want to progress to the next level class or any new student that already plays an instrument will happen on either August 18 or 25.  New students can audition directly after they attend one of the 11:00 meetings. New students please prepare a 24-32 measure excerpt of your choice, one scale that shows your playing ability, and be prepared to sight read a piece of music that you have not seen before. Returning students already know their audition expectations.  

Friday, August 25Registration Day 

Please enter through the south doors by the office to help avoid congestion.

Bring your Registration Form and Book Lists already filled out, if possible.  

Please bring either cash, check, or credit card to pay for your music and pay $62 for dresses for high school girls in upper classes and $10 for high school boys in upper classes for ties.

Plan for two hours to complete everything, especially for high school girls that need to be fitted for their concert dress.

Girls that are in upper-level classes will need to be fitted for their concert dress and to pay $62.  (Concert Choir, Bel Canto, Beethoven, Brahms, Advance Guitar, Classical Guitar, Adoration Band, Jazz Band, Select Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Praise and Worship)

Sign-up for Weekly jobs that can earn credit towards your family bill.  (Deadline is August 25)

Sign-up for student teaching opportunities for returning high school students to teach or assist in a class and to earn credit towards your family bill.  (Deadline is August 25)

Sign-up for Volunteer opportunities, including signing up for 3 Hall Monitor slots (6 hours total) and for 2 Safety slots (4 hours total) that is required for all PSHP families.  

Music will be ready for the students on their first day of class on September 8 and will be waiting in their classroom.

Registration Day Schedule on August 25.

Please try to register on this day!  If you need to adjust your time, that is fine.  You don’t need to contact anyone, just show up sometime between 11:30 to 2:30!  

Contact Kathy Love if you can’t attend, so we can plan accordingly.

8:00 Workers and Teachers arrive to set up.  We will not set up the day before.

10:00 Registration for any returning PSHP families that attended a meeting on August 18.  Please don’t arrive before 10:00 am!

11:00 Mandatory Meeting if you did not attend a meeting on August 18. 

Plan for 60-90 minutes.

11:30 Registration for any new or returning PSHP families that have already attended the August 18th meeting. Plan for 1-2 hours for this.

12:30 Auditions-Open to any returning or new student that has not auditioned for class placement.  Beginner students don’t need to audition, nor do any choir students.  Auditions are for people that already play and could be placed in a class other than beginners.

12:30 -2:30 Registration Open to any new or returning PSHP families that have attended a meeting and auditioned if needed.

Future Schedule

Friday, September 1 10:00 – 2:00   Adult Teacher and Student Teaching Meetings.  

Bring $4 for lunch of pizza, salad, cookies, and drinks or feel free to bring your own lunch.

Friday, September 8 First Day of Classes!!

Regustration Form

Please print off this registration form after you fill it out  (it is may be filled out online) and any book lists that you need for Friday. Fill out and Print one per family (print multiples of the last page if you have more than 6 students attending.)

2023-24 Registration Form – Fillable (1)


Highschool Theory

We have 3 new classes being offered for the advance theory classes for high schoolers.  Please look over these descriptions to better familiarize yourself with your choices.


Book Lists

Band Classes – Book Lists (1)

Guitar Classes – Praise-Worship Book Lists

Choir Classes Book Lists

Band Classes – Book Lists (Recorder and Beginner Bells)

Orchestra – Harp Book Lists