PSHP Notes for Friday, 4.14.2023

Hello PSHP Families and Students

Spring Reminders

Please review all of these with your family members that attend PSHP.

  1. Please wear modest clothing.  No short shorts or sleeveless tops please.  Shorts need to be within 4 inches of your knees to be acceptable on a Friday.
  2. All PSHP students should be within an adult’s eye sight at all times.  Do not gather in a room without a teacher or adult in the room.
  3. Do not congregate in the stairwells for safety reasons.
  4. No public display of affection is allowed between any PSHP students.
  5. Reserve running and loud talking for outdoors please.
  6. Review safety drills for fire and tornados that the teachers will share on April 21.



Tomorrow is our day to celebrate our adult teachers and student teachers with a luncheon from 12:00-1:00.

If you have signed up to bring anything, please have it to the Asbury kitchen by 11:00.  Thank you for showing appreciation for our wonderful teachers.

Rooms and classes that are affected due to the luncheon:

  1. 11:00          Room 103  Harp Theory will move to Room 150.

                        Room 104  Intermediate Guitar will move to Room 120.

  1. 12:45          Room 102  Singer’s Theory Year 2 and 3 will move to Room 120

                        Room 103  Harp Ensemble will move to Room 150

                        Room 104  Classical Guitar will move to Room 205


Friday, April 14

Hall Monitors (Bring goodies to donate to the Coffee Bar to sell.  The profits of the Coffee Bar are donated to PSHP.)

            8:45-11:00       Alicia McKnight, Sharon McElwrath

            11:00-1:00       Debbie Freeland


1:45-3:45         Anna Haak


  1. PSHP T-shirts and PSHP graduation shirts will be at the Payment Table.
  2. Tomorrow is a payment day.  Please pay for 3 weeks in April.  Please note since PSHP has not canceled any Fridays this year, that each family will owe for 5 weeks in May.  September through April you were billed for 24 weeks total and in May you will owe for the additional 5 weeks for our 29 week school year.
  3. All performing classes will go over their comments from the judges from March 31.  I was so proud of all of the classes.
  4. All PSHP Juniors are invited to assist at the PSHP Graduation on Saturday, May 20 at Asbury.  We could use your help from 12:00-5:00 that day.  This will give you a good opportunity to see what is available for you for next year.
  5. Graduates please turn in you $25 to the Payment Table and turn in your filled out form to the Information Table.

6  Laura Krurger’s theory classes are looking for any old donated cell phones to play Kahoots to test their musical knowledge.  Please turn in any to the Information Table

7  Stop by the Information Table to pick up information about ordering Yearbooks.  There are three different flyers with TreeRing information.  Congratulations to Arielle Mann who won the Yearbook design cover.  If you are interested in a tribute for a senior please talk to Shelly Pichler at 417-838-2730 and don’t work directly with TreeRing.  If you are wanting to create the free personalized pages contact Treering directly.

  1. Teacher’s Meeting and Luncheon in Room 102-103 for Adult Teachers and Room 104 for Student Teachers.
  2. Federation Comments from March 4 at Evangel will be at the Payment Table ready for you to pick up.  Please be sure to share this with your teacher.



Looking Ahead

Thursday, April 20 –All choir students of all ages will sing at Twin Oaks Country Club at 1020 E Republic Road.

Dress in your concert clothes

Meet at 11:10 near the Mulligan Room on the very northeast side of the building.

Perform from 11:40-12:05

Then you will be dismissed.


Friday, April 21

Hall Monitors (Bring goodies to donate to the Coffee Bar to sell.  The profits of the Coffee Bar are donated to PSHP.)

            8:45-11:00       Edna Clingman, Amanda Demster



1:45-3:45         Anna Haak

April 21 Notes

  1. Possible fire drill.  Contact me if you have a child that will need to be warned of the Fire Drill
  2. Auditions for Rapunzel production in September with Kathleen Powell from 12:00-1:30, then from 2:45 to 4:30 if needed.
  3. Friends Meeting at 12:10 in Room 203 to discuss year end activities.


Upcoming Community Concert Opportunities

  1. Saturday, April 22 at 7:30 at JKH Hall.  Springfield Symphony will present a Swan Lake with the St Louis Ballet.  Please purchase a ticket.  Student tickets are $12.50 if paid by cash and a little more expensive if paid by credit card.

Prayer Concerns- Lord hear our prayers

  1. Allison Pichler for her illnesses from Lyme’s Disease that have been going on all year.
  2. Families affected by the weather and the upcoming severe weather.
  3. Kristin Gram’s mom passed away this week.  We hope to see Kristin Gram back at PSHP on April 21.
  4. Many  people who have sickness or sickness in their families.
  5. Amber Phillip’s mom has finished chemo treatments.
  6. Sally Doyle for her wrist.
  7. Beth Falukos’ daughter in-law Hannah, will have surgery in April to remove a tumor.